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Britain is very fortunate in its system of public lending-libraries.  These libraries have a    of some 115 million books.  And about one-third of the population are      of public libraries.  This lending and reference library service is, with some limitation, free.

Public libraries not only lend books, music scores(乐谱) and records, but also supply special libraries to      , among children, patients in hospital and prisoners, and they       in many kinds of extra activities,      reading, lectures, film shows, music circles and cooperation in adult education.

The greatest and most famous library in Britain is that of the British Museum, which       over six million books.  A copy of every book, magazine, newspaper, etc.       in Great Britain, must be sent to the British Museum.  The reading room of the Museum is famous for the       of scholars and       people who have studied in it.  The British Museum Library is not, by the way, a      library.

The second     library in Britain is the Bodleian Library at Oxford.  The National Library of Scotland, Cambridge University Library, and the National Library of Wales are also famous and may    a copy of every new       issued in Britain.  There is also a National Library for the blind,      over 300,000 books in a specially      type.

1.A. number     B. plenty     C. total    D. quantity

2.A. members    B. librarians    C. citizens   D. employees

3.A. others       B. adults    C. women    D. people

4.A. give     B. engage     C. result    D. succeed

5.A. as well as    B. such as     C. for example   D. rather than

6.A. offers        B. buys    C. owns    D. gets

7.A. sold     B. published    C. available   D. obtained

8.A. number    B. support     C. mind     D. devotion

9.A. diligent     B. imaginative    C. famous    D. poor

10.A. valuable     B. public    C. borrowing   D. lending

11.A. oldest     B. latest     C. largest    D. best-known

12.A. lend     B. print     C. get     D. buy

13.A. movie     B. magazine   C. novel    D. publication

14.A. nearly     B. with     C. about    D. almost

15.A. delivered     B. made     C. printed    D. published

