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Thousands of free, popular children's apps available on the Google Play Store could be violating the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), according to a new, large­scale study, highlighting growing criticism of Silicon Valley's data­collection efforts. “This is a market failure,” said Serge Egelman, a co­author of the study. “What we have uncovered points out basic enforcement(执行) work that needs to be done.”

The potential violations were abundant and came in several forms, according to the study. More than 1,000 children's apps collected identifying information from kids using tracking software whose terms explicitly forbid their use for children's apps. The researchers also said nearly half the apps fail to always use standard security measures to transmit sensitive data over the Web, suggesting a violation of reasonable data­security measures laid out by COPPA.

Some of the apps in question included Disney's “Where's My Water?”, Gameloft's “Minion Rush” and Duolingo, a language learning app. The findings also suggested that app creators that had been officially recognized as COPPA­compliant(遵守) were no better than any of the other app developers at protecting children's privacy.

Disney argued that the study doesn't claim to identify any actual violations. “Protecting children's online privacy is very important to us and we are confident that our practices comply with the law,” the company said. “We have a sound COPPA compliance program, and we maintain strict data collection and use policies for Disney apps created for children and families.”

Gameloft announced that children's privacy is of “utmost importance” and is investigating the issue. “We have a very strict data­collection policy at Gameloft and always make sure that we are compliant with protection laws,” the company said.

Duolingo did not respond to requests for comment.

Although Google stated that “We are taking the researcher's report very seriously and looking into their findings”, critics of Google's app platform say the company has profited greatly from advances in data­tracking technology. “Google has basically looked the other way while it was able to generate revenues off of children's apps,” said Jeffrey Chester, the executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. “The new, alarming report is further evidence that Google is thumbing_its_nose_at the only federal online privacy law that we have.”

1.How did companies respond to the accusation of violating COPPA?

A. Disney claimed to strictly obey privacy laws.

B. Gameloft questioned the validity of the study.

C. Duolingo planned to adopt strict data­collection policies.

D. Google admitted to the charge and promised to do more.

2.What does the underlined phrase “thumbing its nose at” probably mean?

A. Observing.   B. Disrespecting.

C. Prohibiting.   D. Introducing.

3.The purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. charge app companies with the violation of COPPA

B. inform readers of different ways to violate child privacy laws

C. illustrate the growing criticism of app's data­collection function

D. highlight the urgency of strengthening enforcement of COPPA

