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It’s often interesting to take a look at some of the lists that arrive toward the end of the year such as top devices, best gadgets, most desirable high-tech gift and more. Apart from cell phones and tablets, and Apple and Samsung products, this year many other gadgets made it on the most wanted list from Yahoo Tech and the most searched list from Bing. com. Read on to find out what they are.

Wireless headphone

Portable Bluetooth headphones represent the next evolution in headphone technology. If you have a compatible smartphone with Bluetooth, the obvious benefit is that you can get rid of the wires snaking from your backpack or pocket. Many of the wireless headphones in the market also have a built-in microphone for taking calls hands-free.

Product to buy: Beats Studio Wireless

Features:  Signature look, and powerful audio performance with intense bass and high-mid boosting, plus plenty of accessories.

Price:   1898 yuan


The primary advantage of a smartwatch over traditional watches is that they reduce how often you have to pull your phone out of your pocket. With it, the information on your smartphone goes straight to your wrist, and you can decide first if they are worth dealing with.

Product to buy:   Pebble smartwatch

Features:   Understated design, with easy setup and instant information, and customizable watch faces, plus synes(同步)with Android or IOS.

Price:  $99 (about 612 yuan)

Portable Bluetooth speaker

Bluetooth speakers are steadily growing in popularity because they let you take the party anywhere. They can be paired with your music device, and they are able to withstand incidental bumps. Though small in size, Bluetooth speakers provide a steady soundtrack for even the lengthiest bacchanalia (狂欢)。

Product to buy:  Logitech UE Boom

Features:  Water and stain resistant, 360-degree sound, 15 hour battery life, with a variety of color patterns.

Price:  1499 yuan

Fitness band

Basically, fitness bands are smartwatches without the watch. They keep track of your exercise progress and, at the same time, allow you to monitor vitals such as your heart rate, calories burned and amount of time spent exercising. Some even monitor your sleep patterns.

Product to buy:   Fitbit Flex

Features:  Long battery life (five days), with silent vibrating alarm, and wireless syncing to smartphones.

Price:   898 yuan

1.According to the first paragraph, a smartphone that __________ is a compatible one.

A. goes with other devices

B.has a large capacity

C. represents technological evolution

D. has signature look

2. How much money is he likely to spend on some of the products if a man is an enthusiastic musical fan?

A. 3397 yuan  B.1510 yuan   C. 2397 yuan    D. 2510 yuan

3.Which of the following words can best summarize the common feature of the above products?

A. Wearable  B. Cheap  C. Android    D. Wireless

4.Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?

A. Smartwatch and Fitness band are similar products to some extent.

B. Beats Studio Wireless features plenty of accessories.

C. All the products can sync with Android or iOS

D. Tablets are on the most wanted list of high-tech products of this year

