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Last month, Alex posted his painting of a fox on Reddit hoping to raise money for an animal rescue group. But when a video of him working on the painting went viral with more than 44,000 “likes”, ____ on social media from people hoping to buy copies of his work ____ in. His fans were amazed when they watched him paint by holding a brush in his ____ because he has lost the use of his hands.

Drawing and painting always came ____ to Alex. When he was a kid, he would sit down to draw something almost every day. It continued ____ high school and college. He loved creating with his hands.

But in 2004, Alex ____ a rare disease that caused sensory(知觉) loss and weakness. One day, he suddenly could not use his left hand. Then the problem ____ quickly to his right hand. As the pain and numbness ____ and more tests were done, the physicians ____ Alex had a rare immune disorder. ____, he was no longer able to draw, paint or play the piano. By September 2005, he had difficulty ____, as his legs and feet had also weakened. ____, he needed a wheelchair. He had to quit his job and move to live with his parents.

Alex didn’t follow his artistic dreams ___ his mother showed him some paintings created by artists who also could not use their hands and arms in 2015. He was very ____ and then began to teach himself to paint with his mouth and to ____ the right pressure to the canvas(画布).

Three years ago, Alex successfully had a major transplant ____. The process of recovery is ____ but steady. With supporting aids on both legs, he is walking again without pain. Alex hopes one day he will be able to ____ a paintbrush in his hand. If not, he will continue to ____ his visions with his mouth.

“I have a lot to be ____. I’m painting again, I’m walking again. Life feels really good for me right now,” Alex said.

1.A. requests B. complaints C. donations D. invitations

2.A. dropped B. poured C. called D. burst

3.A. hand B. foot C. arm D. mouth

4.A. suitably B. actually C. particularly D. naturally

5.A. through B. before C. from D. upon

6.A. witnessed B. recognized C. developed D. assessed

7.A. reduced B. spread C. adapted D. referred

8.A. disappeared B. attacked C. worsened D. weakened

9.A. predicted B. apologized C. observed D. discovered

10.A. As a result B. On the whole C. Without doubt D. In return

11.A. running B. walking C. painting D. living

12.A. Occasionally B. Eventually C. Normally D. Basically

13.A. unless B. once C. although D. until

14.A. impressed B. sympathetic C. confused D. sensible

15.A. present B. contribute C. apply D. adjust

16.A. operation B. performance C. assessment D. substitute

17.A. fulfilling B. challenging C. beneficial D. accessible

18.A. test out B. set aside C. sort out D. pick up

19.A. replace B. reward C. express D. target

20.A. occupied with B. concerned about C. grateful for D. accused of

