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In Taiwan, “motorpool “ is commonly known as a place for the maintenance(维修) of official business and government cars. In ­___36___ it is a place for vehicle maintenance.

More than ten years ago, I came to America on business and I __37__advantage of the chance to visit my friend. My friend drove a car to ___38__ me at the airport, and took me to his home__39 the airport. My friend drove his car into the innermost lane, ___40__ had a sign ‘carpool only’ I wondered what “carpool” meant. I wondered ___41____he was going to a motorpool. So I thought myself ____42__ in asking:” Is there anything wrong with the car?” “Nothing.____43___?” said he. “Well then, why are you going to a carpool?” I responded. My friend couldn’t help ___44__ and told me that “ carpool” ___45___to the lane that only the cars with two or more passengers can ____46___. I felt rather embarrassed __47__ that.

After dinner, my friend’s neighbor  48  to ask whether he could carpool the next day. “________49”, my friend said, “ I will accompany my friend to go shopping tomorrow.” I was puzzled again,  50 why he could not “ carpool” with him since we had “ carpooled” 51.  My friend explained to me again that the “ carpool” with him that ____2____ used meant they in turn drove the car to work so as to save  53  . The first” carpool” is a noun; ____4___ the second “carpool” is a verb. It is really difficult for   55 in America to understand it in a short time.

1.                A.common        B.time           C.general   D.short

2.                A.took           B.had            C.used D.found

3.                A.see            B.take           C.meet D.accept

4.                A.In             B.Out of          C.Inside    D.From

5.                A.where         B.which          C.it    D.there

6.                A.what           B.whether        C.which    D.when

7.                A.puzzled         B.foolish          C.interested D.clever

8.                A.which          B.why            C.where    D.what

9.                A.laughing        B.shouting        C.stopping  D.saying

10.               A.means         B.refers          C.is    D.comes

11.               A.pass through    B.go over         C.drive in   D.sit in

12.               A.in saying        B.for doing       C.on hearing D.at listening to

13.               A.went out       B.came over      C.arrived    D.got off

14.               A.Yes            B.I’m afraid      C.Sure . D.No

15.               A.wondering      B.saying          C.suggesting D.hesitating

16.               A.yesterday       B.tomorrow       C.the last day D.today

17.               A.his neighbor     B.his friend       C.he.   D.I

18.               A.time           B.money         C.energy    D.pollution’

19.               A.and           B.while .         C.so    D.or

20.               A.newcomer      B.people         C.Chinese   D.those

