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Ways to Help You Land That Promotion

You may think you know how to be a shining star a work. But we spoke to bosses and experts to find out what moves they truly appreciate and will help you get ahead.

Stop surfing the Internet.

It's fine to shop for your daughter's birthday present or scan your Facebook timeline. 1. “I hate seeing people do it," says a partner at an accounting firm in New Jersey. He says employees should resolve to work a full day—without traveling into cyberspace. Give your employer that full day that you're being paid for.


Think about how you can stretch your role. Are there any projects outside the scope of your job that you could help with? Then actively ask to join those teams or groups. Brainstorm ideas and work with your manager to put them into practice. Your efforts won't go unnoticed.

Never be afraid to ask questions.

Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness or failure. 3.No matter how new or old your job is, it's always fine to ask about something you're unsure of rather than make a mistake.

Stop and think

In this day and age of go! go! go!, sometimes you need to take it down a level. Think tasks through and analyze them before making a decision. 4..  I Quick judgments can lead to unnecessary mistakes. Sometimes it's best to think first, then act—even if it slows things down.

Take pride in what you do.

5.. You contribute to the successes (and failures) of your colleagues, projects, and company. Be a champion of your work and organization. It's a collaborative and worthwhile effort.

A. Go above and beyond.

B. Become a problem solver.

C. But don't do it on company time.

D. Create space between your thought and your actions.

E. It's totally acceptable to admit when you need some guidance.

F. Everything that happens at your workplace has your name on it.

G. You have to deal with change in the workplace, whether you like it or not.

