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When I was born there was already another youngster in the family—a collie dog just three months old.

Laddie _______near me, ate with me and played with me. I _______ dressed him in my clothes. We _________ almost everything and we cuddled for comfort and _________ I had no brothers or sisters, so he was my brother.

Years passed and when I returned from school one day and opened the _______, there was no Laddie. Believing he was playing "hide-and-seek", I searched all his favorite _______ places. Meanwhile my parents were trying to _______ to me, but I was not listening, I was searching and calling madly for my _______ .

The blow was more than I could bear, and as a result I was _______ and off school for many weeks, suffering from extreme sadness.

Many years passed before I got a dog of my own. He was my son's ________, Yogi. The two would get up to all kinds of mischief (顽皮). When Yogi's ________ came we all went with him to the vets and hugged him, petted him and ________ him for his company and love. That way it ________ the blow for us.

The loss of a(n) ________ is heartbreaking, but we have the option of providing that final release with dignity and relieving  ________ It's what must be done.

1.A.jumped B.slept C.came D.shouted

2.A.never B.even C.quickly D.then

3.A.tried B.knew C.enjoyed D.shared

4.A.friendship B.fun C.warmth D.strength

5.A.cupboard B.window C.box D.door

6.A.drinking B.feeding C.hiding D.playing

7.A.explain B.cry C.joke D.sigh

8.A.father B.mother C.brother D.sister

9.A.moved B.upset C.ill D.relieved

10.A.tool B.toy C.caretaker D.companion

11.A.owner B.festival C.friend D.time

12.A.admired B.thanked C.praised D.rewarded

13.A.increased B.softened C.received D.caused

14.A.pet B.relative C.animal D.treasure

15.A.suffering B.misunderstanding C.danger D.embarrassment

