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In the 19th century, doctors tried to transfuse blood (输血)to patients who had lost blood in accidents or to try to save them. However, in most cases there would be a horrible reaction. When the donated blood mixed with the patient's own blood,it clotted (凝结)almost immediately. That stopped the circulation (循环)and the patient would die. Born on 14th June 1868,Karl Landsteiner,a doctor in Vienna, was very concerned about this. He knew there was something in the blood that caused reactions, but some people did manage to escape. Perhaps different people had different kinds of blood? He got a lot of blood samples (标本)from people, and mixed and matched them. Blood has two parts,the blood cells and the liquid serum(血清).You take blood cells from one person and mix them with the serum of another. If they react, the cells will clot and form a big lump. That means it is not safe to transfuse blood between these people. Landsteiner matched hundreds of samples like this,to find out who was safe for whom and who wasn’t. In fact, there were blood groups now called A, B, AB and O.

So what was going on in the blood? All our red blood cells have sugar molecules(糖分子) that are stuck on their surfaces. The red blood cells of people with group A have one kind of sugar, while those with B have another. People with AB have both of these while people with O have none.

People with the A blood group have a chemical substance called anti-B, while those of B blood group have anti-A in their serum. People with AB group have neither anti-A nor anti-B, while people with O have both. If you were B group and got blood from an A person,the anti- A in your blood would cause all the cells with A-sugar on them to clot immediately, stopping the circulation of blood.

In 1907, Dr. Reuben Outenberg carried out the first safe blood transfusion by matching blood groups. Blood transfusion became quite common from then on. And it helped saved thousands of lives in the First World War.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Accidents in blood transfusion.

B.The discovery of blood groups.

C.Who Karl Landsteiner is.

D.The success of Dr. Reuben Otlenberg.

2.What inspired Landsteiner to carry out his experiment?

A.Some doctors in the 19th century.

B.The cause of some patient deaths.

C.Many medical accidents that he came across.

D.Certain successful cases of blood Iransrusion.

3.In which of the following can ''anti-A'' be found?

A.Only in the A blood group.

B.Only in the B blood group.

C.Only in the AB blood group.

D.In blood groups of B and O.

4.Since when has blood transfusion Income universal?

A.The first successful blood transfusion done by Ottenberg.

B.The time when blood groups were named by Landsteiner.

C.The year when the First World War broke out.

D.The blood transfusion by matching blood groups.

