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Basically, without the possibility of failure, there is little possibility of success. Education is in danger of becoming a branch of the entertainment industry. Although education should indeed be entertaining where possible, it cannot always be fun. Often, it needs the "hard yards".

Some educationalists feel that if something causes worry it should be avoided at all costs, I would disagree. Facing up to challenges helps develop children. Avoiding challenges can severely limit their potential. Tougher children are able to try and fail. The less tough may simply fail to try anything new.

I’m not advocating putting children under pressure. The real debate is perhaps what pressures are unavoidable. It's not about "throwing children into the deep end", but rather encouraging them to put their foot in the water and giving them the skills to float.

This latter approach is basically the work I and my team do at the University of Hull. We measure mental toughness and then provide interventions to improve this. These interventions include psychological skills such as goal setting, relaxation and thought control. So, for example, many children will say: "What happens if it goes wrong?" We work hard to change this so that the sentence reads: "What happens if it goes right?" One word difference, but a world away when thinking about challenges.

We try to help children deal more effectively with life using a three-step approach. Firstly, it is important to set realistic and achievable goals. Then it is a matter of finding out what factors (因素) are helping children to achieve these goals and what factors are working against this. The final step is to discover which of these factors can be controlled, or at least influenced, and what factors the child is in reality stuck with. Redirecting children's energies to movable obstacles (障碍) can produce huge life changes.

However, I think that for most of us we have become stress averse (反对的) and overreact to it. It has always been there, and it has always been the case that some people enjoy it, some need help to deal with it and some people's lives are ruined by it.

Showing our children that stress can be faced with and beaten offers them a way forward. The more a fear is avoided, the bigger it gets.

1.From the passage, we know the writer believes ____________.

A.education needs challenges

B.education should always be fun

C.children should avoid facing challenges

D.the more challenges, the better for the children

2.The writer disagreed with some educationalists because ________________.

A.some children are less tough

B.some pressures are avoidable

C.some challenges do good to children

D.some children are unaware of their potential

3.What do the writer and his team do at the University of Hull?

A.Record what the children do in stressful situations.

B.Make the children tougher mentally and physically.

C.Put the children under pressure by giving them challenges.

D.Give the children challenges and suggest suitable approaches.

4.What is the correct attitude towards stress according to the writer?

A.We should try our best to avoid stress.

B.We should love stress because stress is unavoidable.

C.We should put ourselves to the test in stressful situations.

D.We should experience stress and learn skills to deal with it.

