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After the summer break, Delhi’s children returned to school this month and found a new class added to their schedules: happiness.

It wasn’t a welcome-back joke. In a country where top universities require average test scores above 98 percent and where cheating on final high school exams is organized by a “mafia” that includes teachers and school officials, the Delhi government's new scheme marks a change of emphasis(强调)from student performance to well-being.

“We have given best-of-the-best graduates of ability to industry,” said Manish Sisodia, Delhi’s education minister, “…But have we been able to supplied best-of-the-best human beings to society, to the nation? “

Sisodia’s happiness classes represent a major experiment in a country known for its overstrict, bookish education system, which has helped cement a new middle class over the past thirty years but is also poorly thought of for encouraging rote(死记硬背的) learning and causing high pressure levels. Under the program, 100,000 Delhi students spend the first half-hour of each school day without opening a textbook, learning instead through inspirational stories and activities, as well as such thinking exercises as meditation.

Some teachers, though, remain uncertain. Some of them say, the public schools are too crowded for a course based so heavily on classroom interaction(互动). Others doubt that the happiness classes can change the culturally deep-rooted emphasis on exams and memorization. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, chair of education, economics and international development at University College London, said that there haven’t been any studies to value their workability. “As far as I know, in some schools they are just another box-ticking exercise,” she said.

1.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the first paragraph?

A.To tell a welcome-back joke. B.To introduce a new program.

C.To argue against the testing system D.To emphasize studies mixed with happiness

2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “cement “ in paragraph 4?

A.preview B.attend C.destroy D.increase

3.How is the fourth paragraph mainly developed?

A.By giving examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following time order. D.By listing data

4.What's Geeta Gandhi Kingdon’s attitude towards the possibility of happiness classes?

A.confident B.hopeless C.doubtful D.indifferent

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Delhi’s children return to school

B.Delhi offers “ happiness “ classes

C.Happiness classes become Welcome in Delhi

D.Happy classes prove another box-ticking exercise

