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While waiting for my train, I saw a young man sitting on the station’s floor, head down. I thought he was______I looked around and nobody____, so I just shrugged and went on my way. After a few steps I_______and found he was drunk. I asked him if he was OK and if he needed any _______ He told me he was OK. He said his ______ was one station further and that he would only need to take the train home. I_______his hand to help him stand.

He wanted to take the stairs but I_______he would hurt himself since he seemed too________to walk. So I asked him to take the elevator. He_______taking the stairs. I told him I would________the elevator with him, even though my mind was trying to ____ me not to go into an elevator alone with a drunken man. I put this____out of my mind and accompanied him on the elevator. We arrived on the_____without incident.

The man couldn't ____well, so I asked him to walk a little more with me to ____on a bench. While sitting there he____me, telling me that I saved him.

Finally, we got on the train. At the next____,as we said our goodbyes, I asked him to walk_____ Before I knew it, he left $ 20 next to me on the seat and____out of the train. There was no way to give him back his money.

Now, my______is——what act of kindness shall I do with these $ 20?

1.A.drinking B.thinking C.sleeping D.recovering

2.A.waited B.stopped C.acted D.escaped

3.A.turned B.arose C.suffered D.bargained

4.A.food B.money C.patience D.help

5.A.factory B.school C.office D.house

6.A.took with B.reached for C.put up D.cut out

7.A.doubted B.decided C.hoped D.feared

8.A.fast B.steady C.weak D.slow

9.A.insisted on B.dreamed of C.believed in D.depended on

10.A.find B.watch C.ride D.run

11.A.allow B.invite C.wish D.remind

12.A.thought B.adventure C.chance D.offer

13.A.train B.platform C.seat D.top

14.A.sing B.perform C.stand D.sleep

15.A.rest B.survive C.chat D.lie

16.A.noticed B.thanked C.praised D.begged

17.A.position B.journey C.mile D.station

18.A.carefully B.bravely C.quickly D.seriously

19.A.moved B.fled C.dashed D.jumped

20.A.warning B.question C.wish D.worry

