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I had an interesting question from my 10-year-old daughter Claire. She asked me if I had always been this confident. I thought about it for a while and gave her the best answer in terms of my own personal development.

I was born and _______ in a small town in Zambia. From a very young age I was encouraged to_______the world and ask as many questions as I could. My grandfather was a(n)_______ holding a high position in the government, but he treated everyone with______like what others did to him. And I often watched him _______with people that way. As a child, I was determined to be like him _______ I grew up. I wanted to make people feel good about_______ and have meaningful conversations that would ______ people to take action and create a better world for everyone.

As an ordinary African girl, I know what life had to______. And I also knew that I would have some bad days as well as good days. I saw this with my parents, as they________hid their feelings or situations. And from that, I had a_________ view of my reality.

I tell Claire that my confidence comes from within and I am bound to ______moments when I’m worried about whether things will work in my______ , but I have the courage not to give up on my dreams. It’s the strong belief that I am good enough and I can do it that has had me going for the last 20 years. A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid that the branch will _________because its trust in not on the branch but on its own _______. Always believe in yourself.

1.A.called on B.taken in C.brought up D.turned down

2.A.conquer B.change C.rule D.explore

3.A.clerk B.official C.guard D.servant

4.A.respect B.pride C.justice D.coldness

5.A.argue B.reason C.communicate D.negotiate

6.A.before B.until C.if D.when

7.A.themselves B.herself C.ourselves D.himself

8.A.force B.inspire C.urge D.attract

9.A.demand B.reward C.offer D.compose

10.A.always B.never C.frequently D.occasionally

11.A.balanced B.casual C.cautious D.critical

12.A.remember B.ignore C.meet D.appreciate

13.A.taste B.sight C.place D.favor

14.A.grow B.break C.cross D.bend

15.A.legs B.feet C.wings D.eyes

