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Directions:Read the passage carefully.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

My wife and I recently welcomed a child into the world.His only interest right now is keeping us awake 24/7.But one day,he'll need to learn something about finance.When he does,here are some suggestions.

1. You might think you want an expensive car,a fancy watch,and a huge house.But you don't. 1. You think having expensive stuff will bring it.It almost never does-especially from the people you want to respect and admire you.

2. I hope you're poor at some point.Not struggling,and not unhappy,of course.But there's no way to learn the value of money without feeling the power of its scarcity.It teaches you the difference between necessary and desirable. 2. These are essential survival skills.

3. Don't stay in a job you hate because you made a career choice at 18.Almost no one knows what he or she wants to do at that age.Many people don't know what they want until they're twice that age.(These are the signs you're in the wrong career.)

4. The best thing money buys is to control over your time. 3. One day you'll realize that this freedom is one of the things that makes you truly happy.

5. Your savings rate has a little to do with how much you earn and a lot to do with how much you spend.I know a dentist who lives paycheck to paycheck,always on the edge of ruin.I know another person who never earned more than 50,000and saved a fortune.The difference is entirely due to their spending. 4.

6. Don't listen to me if you disagree with what I've written.The world you grow up in will have different values and opportunities than the one I did.More important,you'll learn best when you disagree with someone and then are forced to learn it yourself.(On the other hand,always listen to your mother.)

A. It’ll make you learn to enjoy what you have, fix what’s broken. and shop for a bargain.

B. Spending more is likely to stimulate your motivation for more earning.

C. It gives you options and frees you from relying on someone else’s priorities.

D. Living with less is the most efficient way to control your financial future.

E. Actually, your parents have already given you too much.

F. What you want is respect and admiration from other people.

