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When I was younger,I was deeply attracted by stories of magic. I read lots of books where wizards (巫师) and _______ fought against the powers of darkness in strange worlds. I got excited _______ they brought peace and happiness to their lands. Like most of the readers,I secretly _______ the magical power for myself. I wanted to be able to magically make my pain _______,to make my troubles go away,and to have _______ over this world.

As I got older,however,I realized that there was no such thing as _______. And worse still,the terrible reality of life _______,because I needed to try _______ through a long period of poverty (贫穷). I had daily pain from a back hurt that never _______ right. I felt sad and sorry when both of my sons were ________ with autism(自闭症).

Then one day I began to discover a ________ magic,which is different from that in the stories. This magic grew ________ in my mind day by day. It was ________ “love”. It connected me to my own highest self and to all of the other ________ in this world. It didn’t drive away my poverty ________ it made every day of my life feel richer. It didn’t make my back ________ go away but it helped me deal with it so much better. It didn’t ________ my sons’ Autism,but it helped me see them as the beautiful,lovely,and ________ ones.

There is such a thing as magic in this world. It’s named “love”. May you choose it,________ it,and live in it every day of your life. May you use it to help others,to heal this world and make this world a(n) ________ place.

1.A.leaders B.fighters C.athletes D.challengers

2.A.when B.before C.since D.till

3.A.depended on B.turned on C.set up D.wished for

4.A.move B.produce C.increase D.disappear

5.A.attitude B.power C.courage D.trust

6.A.past B.beauty C.magic D.force

7.A.stopped B.kicked C.came D.warned

8.A.hard B.immediately C.slowly D.sorely

9.A.began B.performed C.managed D.remained

10.A.showed B.announced C.accepted D.comforted

11.A.famous B.brave C.kind D.special

12.A.stronger B.heavier C.worse D.easier

13.A.created B.timed C.called D.supported

14.A.spirits B.conditions C.products D.ways

15.A.and B.so C.or D.but

16.A.situation B.pain C.treatment D.story

17.A.change B.expect C.excite D.form

18.A.helpless B.surprising C.joyful D.hopeless

19.A.influence B.refuse C.share D.keep

20.A.interesting B.unbelievable C.unforgettable D.loving

