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Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on 2 Dec, 2015 that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, plan to donate 99% of their Facebook shares to charity. The money, about £45 billion, will go to causes such as _______disease, improving education, and helping local communities. According to Zuckerberg, the money is _______on “advancing human possible ability and improving equality”.

Their _______came in the form of an _______letter to their newborn daughter, Max. “Your mother and I don’t yet have the words to describe the _______you give us for the future,” the letter started. “Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world that is _______than ours today.”

Not _______, the social media CEO believes that technology will play a big role in _______a better future. “Many of the_______opportunities for your generation will come from giving everyone access to the Internet. Can we ________the world so you have access to every idea, person, and opportunity?”

The couple also sees technology as the ________to improving education and curing diseases. “You’ll have technology that understands how you learn best and ________you need to focus,” they said. “As technology ________, we have a real shot at preventing, curing, or managing most of the rest of the ________in the next 100 years.”

In order to put their plan into action, the couple is ________a new organization which will use money to ________its goals to help make life better for other people.

Zuckerberg and Chan ended their ________with a message to their daughter and kids around the world. “We love you and feel a great ________to leave the world a better place ________you and all children,” the letter concluded. “We can’t ________to see what you bring to this world.”

1.A.spreading B.having C.fighting D.catching

2.A.based B.saved C.called D.focused

3.A.story B.plan C.document D.paper

4.A.open B.official C.entire D.important

5.A.reward B.hope C.power D.burden

6.A.safer B.richer C.better D.harder

7.A.seriously B.sincerely C.exactly D.surprisingly

8.A.creating B.considering C.facing D.seeing

9.A.rarest B.greatest C.smallest D.nicest

10.A.travel B.control C.connect D.make

11.A.measure B.tool C.way D.path

12.A.how B.where C.why D.when

13.A.survives B.develops C.explodes D.responds

14.A.concerns B.pains C.diseases D.threats

15.A.persuading B.devoting C.affecting D.forming

16.A.achieve B.set C.get D.record

17.A.speech B.letter C.notice D.message

18.A.pressure B.regret C.responsibility D.pity

19.A.in B.at C.with D.for

20.A.pretend B.afford C.hesitate D.wait

