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Humans share Earth with many different kinds of wildlife. However, many of our animal friends may not be around for much longer.

According to the Living Planet Report released by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in October, the populations of animals including mammals, birds and fish have fallen by an average of 60 percent since 1970.

“We are sleepwalking towards the edge of a cliff (悬崖), Mike Barrett, executive director of science and conservation at WWF, told the Guardian. “If there was a 60 percent decline (下降) in the human population, that would be equivalent (等于) to emptying North America, South America, Africa, Europe, China and Oceania."

According to the report, one of the biggest causes of wildlife losses is human activity. Three- quarters of the world's land is largely affected by human activity. Many natural habitats (栖息地) have been destroyed to create farmland.

About 300 mammal species are dying out because we eat them. Another example is the industrial over fishing of the oceans, the Guardian noted.

“The astonishing decline in wildlife population…is a reminder and perhaps the ultimate (最终的) sign of the pressure we exert (施加) on the plane,” Marco Lambertini, the director general of the WWF, wrote in the report.

These developments lead scientists to believe that there could be a sixth mass extinction, the first to be caused by humans according to the Guardian. There have been five mass extinction before, the last being 655 million years ago. That time it was the dinosaurs that died out.

WWF has called on world governments and businesses to strike a deal to protect people and nature.

Neither is the situation in China promising. According to a report by China Daily in November, Chinese paddlefish (白鲟) in the Yangtze River, may have become extinct. And there are now less than 500 green peafowl (孔雀) in the wild, reported CCTV in June.

To protect endangered animals, measures have been taken in China and progress has been made. For example, China has banned the use of rhino horn and tiger bones; and ivory (象牙) trade, reported China Daily. It also emphasizes increasing public, awareness by holding activities when celebrating the World Wildlife Day.

But more efforts are still needed to protect wildlife in China and around the world. “We are the first generation to know we are destroying our planet and the last one that can do anything about it,” WWF UK Chief Executive Tanya Steele told CNN.

1.What did the Living Planet Report point out?

A.The loss of animal populations has sped up over the past decade.

B.China is losing more animals than any other country.

C.The animal population will decrease by 60 percent in the next decade.

D.The animal population has dropped sharply in past decades.

2.What is a main cause of the loss of the fish population, according to the Guardian?

A.Over-hunting. B.Food shortage.

C.Climate change. D.Environmental pollution.

3.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.China provides a model of animal protection for other countries.

B.China has made some progress in protecting endangered animals.

C.Experts are not optimistic about the future of wildlife.

D.Governments should take the responsibility to protect wildlife.

4.What does the underlined part mean?

A.the last generation to do more things to save our planet

B.the last generation that can do anything they want to save the planet

C.we should not do anything more to destroy our planet

D.we could not care less about the planet

