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The old saying still rings true: “1.Though having friends and family at your house may be fun at first, it can quickly sour once they've worn out their welcome. Your desire to have your living space all to yourself again and get back into your normal routine is perfectly reasonable. So how do you mention this uncomfortable situation without being rude?

2.Having a house guest can be a positive experience for all involved, if both are considerate. That means, hopefully, you and your house guests will agree upon the dates and duration of their visit and other relevant details before their arrival.

If it's too late for that, start dropping hints now. 3.For example, you can say, “It has been so lovely having you stay with us.” If your guests don't seem to be getting the message, a little white lie may be necessary.

Next time, set clearer boundaries from the start. That means your house guests should ask for permission to stay with you, not just assume they can. Make it clear that you need advanced notice, too—no last-minute surprise visits. 4.

During a visit, encourage house guests to do some stuff on their own. Let them know they're welcome to grab a snack when they're hungry. 5.It empowers them to be self-sufficient—and you get a breather, too.

A.They are not paying for the room

B.Hopefully, your guests will understand

C.Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days

D.Ideally, settle the details before not during the visit

E.And if the dates they suggest don't work for you, say no

F.Establish healthy boundaries with loved ones is essential

G.Make themselves a cup of coffee or leave the house when they please

