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Reading is good for more than just entertainment Sparing part of everyday to read printed books can make you a smarter, kinder, more relaxed individual. Involving kids in books, magazines, and more at an early age is a great way to encourage them to be lifelong readers, which means they'll reap these benefits for years to come.

Reading helps understand another personas feelings. Reading books doesn’t just make you smartest can make you a kinder person as well: According to a study in 2013,People who consume literary fiction have an easier time sensing and relating to emotions in other people. Great literature forces readers to step outside themselves and empathize with the characters they’re reading about.

Reading can lower stress. Feel stressed at the end of a long day? Cracking open a book is a good way to wind down. A 2009 study found that reading for just 30 minutes has similar stress-reducing effects to doing 30 minutes of yoga.

Reading is an excuse to put your phone away at night. Reading a physical book before going to bed is a great alternative to scrolling through your phone-something most of us admit to doing. Research has shown that smart phone use at night makes it harder for people to fall asleep and leads to an overall decline in sleep quality, Some experts say reading books, on the other hand ,can have relaxing effects, making it the ideal bedtime activity.

Reading helps families bond. When parents read out loud to their children ,they can pass on the benefits of reading and encourage meaningful interactions. To help kids get the positive effects of reading, parents should stick to physical picture books, A recent study found that printed books, unlike tablets and e-readers, can deepen connections between caretakers and children.

1.What is probably the beat title for the text?

A.Benefits of Reading Printed Books.

B.Stress-reducing Effects of Reading.

C.Connections between Parents and Kids.

D.Significance of Reading Great Literature.

2.Which of the following can replace “reap” underlined in paragraph 1?

A.search. B.reduce.

C.obtain. D.resist.

3.According to paragraph 4, to sleep well at night, you'd better ______.

A.put your phone away

B.relax by reading on the smart phone

C.read a physical book before bedtime

D.do bedtime activities through your phone

4.What is suggested in the last paragraph?

A.Tablets and e-reader should be made* use of in reading.

B.Kids should read aloud to get positive effects of reading.

C.Meaningful interactions should be encouraged in games.

D.Printed books should be read to improve family connections.

