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Both honeybees and ants are social insects that live in groups called colonies. They survive by means of their collective intelligence. Their decision-making power is distributed throughout the group; that is, no one ant or bee makes decisions for the group. Instead, they work together. As Deborah M. Gordon, a biologist at Stanford University, says,” Ants aren't smart. Ant colonies are.”

The same is true for bee colonies. Although bees and ants are quite different physically, they have a lot in common in terms of their social behavior. Specifically, honeybees and ants have similar roles within the colony, both have communication systems, and both have the capacity for learning.

Ants communicate by using chemicals called pheromones, which can alert others to danger or to a food source. For example, when worker ants find a promising source, they let the rest of the colony know how to find it by leaving a trail of pheromones on the way back to the colony. The other ants pick up the message using their sense of smell. Bees, on the other hand, use movement to communicate with each other. Worker bees send messages to each other by means of a “dance”. Different speeds and movements send different messages. For example, when worker bees called scouts go out to find a new home for the colony, they return and do a dance for the other worker bees that indicates the location of the new home and how suitable it is. The faster the scouts dance, the better the new location is.

Honeybees and ants are both capable of learning. One Chinese study found that bees can be trained to learn and remember a route to a food source. The researchers also found that bees can be taught to recognize hidden objects and use the concepts of “sameness” and “difference” to accomplish certain tasks. Ants take this one step further. Recent American research has shown that ants not only have the ability to learn, but also can teach their foraging skills to other younger ants.

They observed that older ants accompany young ants in search of food and teach them the route and how to avoid obstacles.

As we can see, the social behavior of honeybees and ants is quite similar. Both coordinate(协调) complex actions and accomplish survival tasks by cooperating in groups consisting of many individuals. Unintelligent as they may be as individuals, as groups they often show amazing brilliance as they go about their everyday activities.

1.What do ants and bees have in common?

A.They live in similar-sized colonies.

B.They make use of collective intelligence.

C.They have small leadership groups that make all decisions.

D.They use the same methods to communicate with each other.

2.What does the speed of a bee's dance indicate?

A.The quality of a new colony location.

B.The distance to a neighboring colony.

C.The discovery of a new food source.

D.The direction to a potential food source.

3.In paragraph 4, how does the author demonstrate the idea that Honeybees and ants are both capable of learning?

A.By using statistics.

B.By explaining reasons.

C.By referencing opinions.

D.By presenting study findings.

4.What is the benefit of collective intelligence?

A.It allows the colony to reproduce more rapidly.

B.It improves work cooperation within the colony.

C.It reduces the division of labor among members.

D.It enables individuals to teach each other new skills.

