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Throughout Europe golf has been popular for many years. A recent report says that in Great Britain alone, 700 new golf courses (球场) will have to be built over the next ten years to satisfy people’s demand.

This is all good news for golf lovers, but it worries those who want to protect the environment. Their argument is that the new courses are disturbing the balance of nature. Woods, ponds and fields are being dug up to make way for the courses. The birds and animals that used to live there are being killed or forced to leave. The amount of water that a club uses to keep its course in good condition is reducing the amount of water available for industrial and other uses. The chemicals used to control insects are sinking into the underground water.

There may be some truth in this, but it is not the whole truth. The days are long past when building of any kind was allowed in beautiful places with no thought for the environment. Planning permission, nowadays, is as strict for golf courses as it is for any other type of development. Before any such project is given the go-ahead, many factors are studied. It is only when it is clear that no harm will be done to the area that the builders are allowed to move in.

A strong case can even be made that golf courses are actually good for the areas where they are built. Courses are built in areas which are not areas of natural beauty. The new courses often make the area livelier. To make holes more difficult, trees are planted and lakes are filled in around greens. Not surprisingly perhaps, it is not unusual to find that, within months of a course being completed, a whole variety of animals and birds have moved in.

Obviously, careful thought has to go into the design of the new courses. As few changes as possible should be made to the natural environment. The wild-life and woods should also  be protected. But this can be, and is being, done. There is no reason why golfers and nature cannot live peacefully together.

1.What is TRUE about building a new golf course nowadays?

A.It takes up too much land.

B.A lot of trees have to be cut down.

C.It is easy to get planning taken into consideration.

D.Many things will be taken into consideration.

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A.That a whole variety of animals and birds have moved in the courses is uncommon.

B.Only when it is clear that no harm will be done to the area, are the builders allowed to move in.

C.Golf courses could make local areas look beautiful.

D.Golf courses’ construction wastes too much water and money.

3.Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the text? (P=paragraph)

A. B.

C. D.

