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TangYin was a leading poet, calligrapher and painter of1. Ming dynasty in China. He was recognized 2.one of the four most outstanding scholars in Jiangnan. However, due to the law case in which he was involved in, he failed 3. (become) an official and had to earn his living by painting.

After that, he devoted 4. (he) to painting. 5. (creative), he combined the painting styles of the north with the south. The painting, Thatched Cottage in the Western Mountains,6. (produce) by Tang for a scholar from Jiangsu Province, Ding Qiande, to celebrate his purchase of a new residence. It gives an 7.(impress) of Ding's new home as an ideal scholar's cottage nestled in a landscape, 8.(overlook) a stretch of water. Ding is shown reading inside his cottage with a9.(consider) servant by his side as he waits for a visitor. This painting was once in the Qing royal collection and carries an inscription by the Qianlong emperor,  10.ruled from 1736 to 1795.

