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One of the best aspects of travel is in discovery. Whether you're burying yourself in a new culture or wandering the streets of a foreign city, you're finding new things to see and experience. Part of that discovery is in what you learn about yourself. 1..

Here are some of those ways:


Travel means new foods, cultures and places to explore. Try speaking that new language or eat a new kind of food you never knew existed. When you’re thrown outside of your normal circumstances, you’ll discover more about who you are and what you're like.

◆ The chance to reinvent yourself

At home, people can see you a certain way and classify you into a personality type that can be hard to escape. 3.. You're free to break away from how people normally see you and reinvent yourself.

◆ Building confidence

You've just traveled across a country, tried a new language and bargained over prices in a market. They're all things you didn't know you could do before, but you dug up a new-found sense of adventure and somehow made it work. 4.. And the more challenges you take on, the more sure of yourself you become.

◆ Choices and organizing skills

What's the best route to take so I see all the major attractions? What's the best way to get to the next city and back so I don't miss my flight? How should I organize my itinerary (行程)? 5.. You have to organize your trip so that you have a place to stay and transportation to and from certain destinations.

A.With travel, come challenges

B.Travel is about making choices

C.Forcing you out of your comfort zone

D.Trips don't always go according to plan

E.Having time to reflect on your life

F.Travel can give you a chance to explore other sides of your personality

G.Like most experiences, travel can change you in ways you might never have expected

