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During summer holidays my mother and I used to escape to one of the lakes north of Prince Albert. In its magic surroundings we spent the long summer days in the open air, swimming and boating or just lying dreaming in the sun.

The last summer was particularly wonderful. For one thing, I was in love for the first time. My boy friend Don worked in Saskatoon, but the lake was his place-the beautiful wilderness attracted him deeply, so I thought it was not to see me that he got on his motorcycle as many Fridays as he possibly could, and drove three hundred miles along the rough roads to spend the week-ends at our place. Sometimes Don couldn't come, because he was hard up(生活拮据), and sometimes worked overtime. 

One Friday night a storm broke out. I lay in bed and listened to the thunder and the rain beating on the roof. I tried not to expect Don. Yet I couldn't help imagining him fighting the storm. His motorbike, which had always looked to me so heavy, seemed fragile enough to be blown onto its side by the first strong wind.

I tried to close my throat against the tears. But when my mother, driven by the deep sympathy and understanding between us, came in to me. she kissed my cheek and found it wet.

“Don't get upset, Jane”, she said softly. “He may still come.”

It was hours later that I suddenly heard the sound of the roaring(轰鸣的) engine. The storm was dying. I lay still, relief and pain fighting for ascendancy(支配地位)within me as I heard Don's heavy tired footsteps on the wooden stairs.

1.Why was the last summer especially great for Jane?

A.She fell in love for the first time. B.She had a lot of fun in the open air.

C.Her boyfriend bought a motorcycle. D.Her boyfriend found a beautiful place.

2.What do we know about Don?

A.He lived a poor life. B.He didn't love Jane so much.

C.He worked in a remote village. D.He didn't like traveling in bad weather.

3.Why did Mother come into Jane's room during the storm?

A.She knew Jane was afraid of the thunder. B.She knew Jane was worried about Don.

C.She heard Jane arguing with Don. D.She heard Jane crying.

4.How did Jane feel when she heard Don's footsteps?

A.Excited B.Anxious C.Doubtful D.Complicated (复杂的)

