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Endangered Species Day is a bittersweet event. While it's heartbreaking to think back on all the species we have already lost during our last few generations, and all we stand to lose in the next few.1..

Make a donation to a conservation organization. Every penny helps these local, national and interactional groups to do on-the-ground work in protecting habitats and species.2..

Visit your local natural history museum virtually. You'll learn a lot about your local wildlife including species that may be threatened with decline. Endangered species aren't just rhinos in Africa or leopards in Asia- they're also the insects, birds, mammals and even plants right in our own backyards, and many times there is the opportunity to protect them.

Join a wildlife conservation organization. There are many organizations to choose from including the National Wildlife Federation, National Audubon Society, Wildlife Conservation Network and more.3.. Your membership shows your ongoing support and also provides a way to stay in the loop about what's happening and how you can help.

4.. Today is the perfect day to send a few tweets, add a few Facebook updates, photos about endangered species conservation. You can be a source of information and awareness today and perhaps inspire even more people to get involved!

Stay informed! Make it a daily practice to check in on news about endangered species on a local, national or global level. You'll be able to see when and how you can help.

Many species are endangered now, but we can change that; we can end poaching, habitat destruction, pollution and so many other factors causing declines around the world,5..

A.Even if it's just $5, it helps

B.It is time to get involved and make a difference

C.So let's celebrate it with as many people as possible

D.It's also a chance to look at some ways we can get started

E.Volunteer to work in some wildlife conservation organizations

F.Take to social media with information about endangered species

G.You can join a larger organization or even one that focuses on specific species or habitats

