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The idea of being quarantined (隔离)hadn't seemed like a major issue until we all began to realize all of the things that get taken away when school goes. We had taken our "normal" lives for granted and this pandemic (流行病)was proof.1. Throughout our entire educational lives, we students have always jokingly said we wanted school to be cancelled. We didn't realize, however, that all the activities associated with being in school would be taken away too. School has an influence on so much more than we actually think.2.

While in my room, my sixth-grade cousin opened my door and expressed how she didn't want school to be cancelled because it was the only reason she left the house.3. This is when I began to acknowledge the true impact school has even on the youngest of children. As a sixth-grader, her only known duty so far was to go to school, learn, maybe participate in a sport or two, and socialize with others. When eating dinner my uncle shared with us that he has no work until April 15. My other aunt and uncle now had to play a larger role than ever imagined in the education of their children. Without one-on-one interaction with a teacher, it's crucial to ensure that their kids of ages 4 and 7 continue learning. During this school closure, parents and students alike have noticed the direct effect social media has on our reactions.4. Many of these opinions either contribute to hysteria (歇斯底里)or attempt to tell us that we may be overreacting.

5. This pandemic has effects of all different levels of significance, many of which can never be replaced nor made up. The death toll it has worldwide is even more frightening to think about. Everyone is affected in one way or another by this crisis, but let us not forget what school has taught us about ourselves as a community ... that we are stronger together.

A.Initially, everything seemed to be under control.

B.She explained how she would be bored without school.

C.It has provided us with friend groups, hobbies and passions.

D.Since this didn't affect us at all, we continued about our daily lives.

E.Opinions of all sorts are broadcast regardless of the accuracy they contain.

F.We took for granted the simplicity of walking across a stage with a diploma in our hands.

G.However, the impact the coronavirus has had on the world is a generation-changing event.

