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Last week I went shopping in the supermarket. I got to the front of the ___________ and put my groceries through the checkout. I was about to pay, when I ___________ that I didn't have my bankcard with me. I _________.Then I remembered I left it at home when I ___________ something online. All I had was $30 in notes and some coins in my wallet. I was short ___________ at least $25, and I needed to buy most of the items.

I started to ___________ to the checkout lady. "I'm sorry, I stop the queue. Can I put these things back, and then think I'll ___________ these. Oh, no, need that."

An Irish lady was ___________ behind me, next in the queue. "Excuse me, Dear," she said. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I replied, "I'm ___________ you up." "Of course not. I know ____________ you feel. This happens to all of us at some point. Now please use my ____________ to pay the bill and you can be on your way."

I was astonished by her kindness, ____________ even. No matter how I insisted otherwise, she was ________ to help me. Afterwards I asked for her telephone number to ____________ and pay her back. "No," she said, "rather pay it forward. You may do a good deed for the next person in need."

By helping others, can we start chain ____________ of positive feeling and charity that can benefit our whole society?

1.A.table B.supermarket C.queue D.shelf

2.A.realized B.knew C.recognized D.observed

3.A.hesitated B.paused C.panicked D.struggled

4.A.explored B.purchased C.advocated D.delivered

5.A.by B.under C.on D.with

6.A.cry B.apologise C.complain D.explain

7.A.borrow B.drop C.follow D.take

8.A.standing B.supporting C.blaming D.shouting

9.A.turning B.putting C.joining D.holding

10.A.what B.how C.why D.when

11.A.card B.fame C.income D.identity

12.A.abnormal B.anxious C.embarrassed D.desperate

13.A.convinced B.determined C.excited D.reluctant

14.A.fit in B.get through C.look up D.get in touch

15.A.reaction B.sympathy C.satisfaction D.relationship

