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One morning our new neighbor saw my grandfather planting two rare tree saplings(树苗)in our garden. And he also planted the same kind of tree saplings in his garden. My grandfather gave________enough amount of water to his plants and didn't always give them full ______while our neighbor gave a lot of water to his plants and ______them too well. My grandfather's plants were simple but looked good, _______our neighbor's plants were much fuller and greener.

Normally, in summer, we have strong thunderstorms called "Kalboishakhi" which can bring great damage to life and _______. After a "Kalboishakhi", my grandparents and I came out to________the damage to our garden and saw the neighbor was in his garden, too, but look ______as his plants were uprooted. Our plants weren't damaged and were standing ______ on the ground, our neighbor was______ to see this, and he came up to my grandfather and said with______, I actually looked after my plants better than you did for yours. ______, my trees came off from the roots, but yours didn't. How is this_______?"

My grandfather smiled and said, "You gave your plants more attention and water, so they didn’t have the ______to work themselves for anything. I gave them just the ample amount of and manure (肥料),letting their_______ search for more;thus they went deeper and made their position  stronger, That is why my plants________ With an expression of deep_______ our neighbour nodded_______It made me realize then that though my grandfather was ______with me on many occasions even during our vacations with his do's and don'ts, I became aware that anything ______got or can go off  that much more easily and we will not ______the hard work it takes earn those things. "

1.A.mainly B.nearly C.barely D.exactly

2.A.hope B.support C.time D.attention

3.A.dealt with B.looked after C.brought up D.waited on

4.A.and B.while C.so D.or

5.A.animals B.land C.environment D.possessions

6.A.predict B.analyze C.check D.confirm

7.A.tired B.upset C.bored D.ashamed

8.A.firm B.still C.bent D.abnormal

9.A.disappointed B.relieved C.frightened D.surprised

10.A.anger B.sorrow C.embarrassment D.anxiety

11.A.Anyway B.However C.Otherwise D.Therefore

12.A.possible B.exciting C.alike D.suitable

13.A.reason B.need C.chance D.power

14.A.branches B.trunks C.leaves D.roots

15.A.survived B.twisted C.spread D.delayed

16.A.admiration B.doubt C.regret D.sadness

17.A.public B.peace C.approval D.turn

18.A.strict B.annoyed C.patient D.content

19.A.occasionally B.mistakenly C.secretly D.easily

20.A.understand B.accelerate C.oppose D.undertake

