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There are plenty of things to do while at home, from watching heartwarming TV to indoor fitness, but if you want to do something with the whole family, a board game is the perfect activity.


It is like a combination of the whisper game Telephone and Pictionary. Players draw a word and pass their sketch to the player next to them, who writes down the word they think the first player draws. The next player draws the word the previous player writes down, and the game continues in this way until the final drawing or description comes out wildly different from the original one. It is most popular among kids.


A slightly more involved game than Risk or Monopoly, Catan, previouly known as Settlers of Catan or Settlers, has become popular in the past decade or so beyond board game enthusiasts. In the game, which has many expansions available if you get bored with the original, players become “settlers”, each trying to build up individual settlements while trading resources. The bigger your settlement, the more points, and the first to a set number wins.

Ticket to Ride

It is an easy-to-understand game that is about something as simple as trains. Players use colored train cars that they are able to obtain by collecting cards of the same color to create train routes across a map of the U. S. Expansion packs have many other maps to choose from. Bigger train routes give you more points, as do building the routes shown on the secret ticket cards you draw at the beginning of the game.

Lords of Waterdeep

This board game from the makers of Dungeons Dragons is definitely more complex but is one of the most enjoyable games once you understand all the rules. Beautifully designed in fantasy style, Waterdeep is a “worker placement game”, in which players use agents to gather resources to complete quests, which generate victory points. Whoever has the most at the end of the game wins.

1.In which of the following board games is drawing needed?



C.Ticket to Ride.

D.Lords of Waterdeep.

2.Who will be the winner in Catan?

A.The one becoming the first settler.

B.The one getting needed points first.

C.The one gathering the most resources.

D.The one creating the most train routes.

3.What do the four board games have in common?

A.They have many expansions.

B.They ask players to get points.

C.They involve more than one player.

D.They are easy to understand and play.

