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As they say, age is just a number. 1. To cope well with the changes, you have to develop good habits in caring and maintaining your body’s health and youth. Adopting these simple yet noteworthy habits should be done in order to attain healthy and graceful aging.

Stay positive. 2. A study reveals that those people who think of age as wisdom and overall satisfaction could recover better from a disability than those who view aging as uselessness and helplessness.

3. Practicing good eating habits should start early in life to accustom yourself from different kinds of food served on the table. As you age, the body keeps on changing; thus, nutrition is vital in delaying the aging process. Your plate should have the following nutrients to maintain balance. Low-glycemic diet high in fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean protein is the healthiest. A research reports that eating plant-based food, whole grains, nuts as well as eating fish twice each week and reducing salt intake may help you age better. It wards off risks of heart attacks, strokes and premature aging. On the contrary, too much sugar, carbohydrates and fatty food can accelerate aging process. 4.

Moderation is the key. Anything in excess is bad for the health. 5. In order to age better and live longer, it is recommended to stick to a balanced diet that consists of 2 1/2 cups of vegetables, 1 1/2 to 2 cups of fruit, six ounces of grains, three cups of dairy and five ounces of protein each day.

A.Eat right.

B.Keep nutritious.

C.Optimism is the key to cope well with aging.

D.So take it slow on indulging in these kinds of food.

E.As you grow old, changes occur to varied parts of your body.

F.Avoid overeating as it leads you to a shorter life span, heart diseases, and type 2 diabetes.

G.When you are aging, different parts of your body will become weaker and weaker.

