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At first,a Belgian man thought the noise coming from his outdoor planter was annoying pigeons. It ____ to be Europe’s largest owl—four of them.

One of the world’s largest owls,the Eurasian eagle owl,set up ____ in Jos Baart’s third-storey apartment planter. ____ the mother owl’s three chicks hatched,they’ve taken to watching ____ through the window with their new landlord(房东).

In video footage,the huge,fluffy chicks can be seen standing at attention in ____,eyeing the television screen ____ Baart’s shoulder.

Their ____ mom typically watches over her hatchlings from behind a bush for six to eight hours at a stretch each day,seemingly a little more ____ of Baart and her babies’TV-watching habits.

They seem to have grown ____ to each other now,but not so long ago,Baart,thought they were ____. “I thought,damn,those pigeons again,”he says. He was proven ____ one day when he arrived home and the large mother owl took ____ right in front of him. “You can see how ____ they are,”Baart says in the footage. “They’re not scared at a11. ”

Eagle owls typically nest on cliffs and ledges,but are sometimes known to ____abandoned golden eagle nests. They have no natural predators and a long lifespan of 20 years in the ____,but can live up to 60 years in captivity(圈养).

1.A.holds on B.turns out C.1ives up D.gives away

2.A.camp B.time C.business D.shop

3.A.Before B.Until C.Once D.Since

4.A.video B.footage C.games D.TV

5.A.sense B.way C.row D.hurry

6.A.over B.on C.off D.by

7.A.less-diligent B.less-friendly C.gentle D.ambitious

8.A.careless B.patient C.cautious D.sensitive

9.A.addicted B.accustomed C.attached D.opposed

10.A.annoyances B.guests C.friends D.enemies

11.A.fake B.true C.right D.wrong

12.A.fright B.flight C.care D.place

13.A.cute B.tense C.relaxed D.alert

14.A.leave behind B.stand up C.put up D.take over

15.A.region B.nest C.wild D.field

