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One morning Raman, a true master of the art of archery(箭术), invited his favorite student to watch a display of his skill. The student had36 this more than a hundred times before, but he still obeyed his37 .

Together, they went into a nearby wood and reached a tall38 . Raman picked a rose flower and 39 it on one of the branches of the tree. He40 opened his bag and took out three objects: his 41 , an arrow and a white handkerchief.

Raman stood one hundred paces from the spot where he had placed the42 . Facing his target, he43 his student to blindfold(蒙住眼睛) him with the handkerchief. The student did as his teacher 44 .

“How often have you seen me practice the sport of archery?” Raman asked him45 .

“Every day,” replied his student. “And you have46 managed to hit the rose from three hundred paces away.”

With his eyes covered by the47 , Raman placed his feet firmly on the ground and48 the bowstring(弓弦) with all his strength. Aiming at the rose on the49 , he let the arrow fly. The arrow whistled through the air, 50 it did not even hit the tree, missing the target by a few meters.

“Did I51 it?” said Raman, removing the handkerchief from his eyes.

“No, you missed52 ,” replied the student. “I thought you were going to53 me the power of thought and your ability to perform magic.”

“I have54 taught you the most important lesson about the power of thought.” replied Raman. “When you55 something, concentrate only on that: No one will ever hit a target they cannot see.”

1.A. thought          B. seen           C. heard          D. felt

2.A. teacher          B. boss           C. father         D. monitor

3.A. wall             B. tree           C. pole           D. house

4.A. buried           B. educated       C. signed         D. placed

5.A. first            B. now            C. then           D. finally

6.A. bow              B. hammer         C. apple          D. knife

7.A. arrow            B. shoe           C. flower         D. bag

8.A. advised          B. expected       C. encouraged     D. asked

9.A. planned          B. imagined       C. requested      D. promised

10.A. angrily         B. calmly         C. disappointedly D. sadly

11.A. never           B. almost         C. always         D. also

12.A. cloth           B. handkerchief   C. paper          D. leaf

13.A. drew back       B. brought up     C. held back      D. took off

14.A. ground          B. branch         C. tip            D. root

15.A. and             B. for            C. so             D. but

16.A. touch           B. learn          C. miss           D. hit

17.A. completely      B. suddenly       C. quickly        D. carefully

18.A. show            B. give           C. offer          D. lend

19.A. again           B. even           C. just           D. seldom

20.A. buy             B. find           C. notice         D. want

