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Leigha Bishop is always finding new ways to encourage her students. Recently, she noticed one of her students _________a strange hairstyle-a braided topknot (头饰). She _______ her at once. But the student thought she was_______ .“She didn’t believe me, so she responded nothing, as she _________away.” Leigha told reporters.

To the student's _______ ,Leigha  came to school the very next day with the _________ same hairstyle. “I went home and got to work on my hair! With my student's hair being_______ to mine, I thought the better way to stow her how_______ she could make me feel was with the same braided topknot. ”

Leigha _______the chance of creating a hairstyle to encourage her students. “When students are________for who they are as an individual beyond grades on a report card, they will want to go to school and want to________in life.” she explained. “This small action of copying a hairstyle also shows that students have the________to inspire teachers.”

Leigha__________a photo posing with her students and their________on Twitter(推特).“When your student is just so cute,you have to copy her,” she wrote. Another Twitter user, decided to repost the picture in other words, “This teacher, Ms. Bishop praised one of her students' hair, saying she loved it, but the little girl didn't________her. The next day, the teacher came to school with her hair done the same as her student. So cute!” The post spread ________and many people ________their thoughts. One said, “We need more of this. It builds__________(which makes them believing in themselves more).”

As a teacher, Leigha saw how__________ it was to show her students the importance of showing themselves and wanted to make the__________ of all colors better and better.

1.A. drawing B. wearing C. pulling D. dressing

2.A. praised B. criticized C. treated D. helped

3.A. puzzling B. laughing C. joking D. treating

4.A. walked B. put C. blew D. cleared

5.A. sadness B. surprise C. worry D. disappointment

6.A. awkward B. positive C. alike D. exact

7.A. funny B. familiar C. different D. similar

8.A. nice B. ugly C. awful D. terrible

9.A. played a part in B. took advantage of C. fell in love with D. came up with

10.A. mentioned B. replaced C. evaluated D. examined

11.A. achieve B. wander C. please D. demand

12.A. wish B. responsibility C. possibility D. problem

13.A. took B. used C. shared D. enjoyed

14.A. hairstyles B. homework C. clothes D. fashion

15.A. regret B. satisfy C. like D. trust

16.A. quickly B. slowly C. steadily D. luckily

17.A. forgot about B. set about C. paid attention to D. wrote down

18.A. confidence B. companies C. houses D. strength

19.A. embarrassed B. tough C. important D. wonderful

20.A. countries B. teachers C. schools D. students

