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Can wine really improve our health? 1. (science) are beginning to say “Yes!”

Researchers have found that red wines contain antioxidants (抗氧化剂), 2. help the body resist cancer and heart disease. 3.(general), red wines contain more antioxidants than most white wines. So, the best bet for drinking wine for our health is to stick to the dryer red wines. 4., this doesn’t give us freedom to get drunk every night. Don’t overdo it—but adding a glass of red wine to your daily diet can definitely make 5.difference to our health.

Paracelsus, the noted 16th-century Swiss physician 6. (write), “Wine is a food, a medicine and a poison it’s just a question of dose(剂量).” As with almost any food or drink, wine 7.(consume) in large doses can be harm to our health.

Most health officials agree that one or two four-ounce glasses of red wine per day can be8.(benefit) to men, while women should limit their consumption to one four-ounce serving per day.

Professor Roger Corder, has spent years studying the evidence of health benefits 9.red wine. In his new book, “The Wine Diet”, he says he 10.(convince) that most of us should include red wine in our everyday lifestyle.

