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Zengzi(曾子505---435BC), a Chinese philosopher and student of Confucius(孔子),1. (believe) to be the author(作者) of Daxue. One day, as Zengzi’s wife set off(出发) for the market,her little son insisted on(坚持) going with her, 2. (make) a tearful scene(场面).

“Stay at home,”she said to the boy, “When I come back, I 3.(kill) the pig for you to eat.”

When she got back from the market, Zengzi was prepared to catch the pig and kill it. His wife stopped him, saying I was only kidding(开玩笑) to 4. when I said that.” “Children can’t be humored(幽默) 5. this way. ” he replied, “They have little 6. (understand). They learn from their parents and listen to 7. they say. To lie to him is to teach him to lie to 8..” Her son will not trust her any more  9. a mother lies to him. This is not the way to teach 10. child. With that, Zengzi went to kill the pig and then cooked it for his son.

