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To reduce the spread of the pandemic (流行病), Corona Virus, our product manager has announced businesses to start working from home. For those who are working from home, dealing with this situation can be challenging. 1..

Create a work area. Your first challenge is to pick a corner in the home and create a work-space that is perfect for work from home. 2.. You can make a large coffee table as a work desk. Keep the desk neat and tidy.

3.. Get your laptop, cell phone diary in the right place. If you are in a noisy home, search for your noise cancellation headphone. Use your mouse for increased productivity. Find out who will take care of children as the schools are closed. Organize the home.

Learn technologies. It is important to learn technology for smoother communication. You can make use of Google Hangouts, Slack or other video tools for messaging. 4..

Ensure proper lighting is there. 5.. Locating the office where you receive natural lighting is the best way to increase productivity. Ensure you have enough artificial lighting arrangements.

A.Be organized

B.Create a private area

C.Here’s how you can master it

D.Certain apps can help you to organize the day

E.Find out the right furniture and ensure it is comfortable

F.These tools can help you to communicate with your co workers effectively

G.It is important to choose that corner of the home where there is proper lighting

