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When you drink a glass of water or take a shower, think of glaciers. Why? Glaciers contain at least 75 percent of Earth’s fresh water-much more than all our planet’s lakes and rivers combined.

Glaciers grow by adding a new layer of snow each year. It’s easy for scientists to see the annual layers in an ice core by lighting it from beneath. They can then count the layers to determine the age of any section…much like you can count tree rings to determine a tree’s age.

Glaciers form by the accumulation, press and recrystallization of snow. It requires very specific conditions of climate and geography, which means that they are found in or high mountain regions where snowfall is heavy in winter, temperatures stay below freezing for long periods, and summers are cool.

“Hot” ice! Is that possible? Actually, ice is one of the hottest solids in existence, for it is unsteady and easy to melt when heated. Glaciers are always moving, but because ice is hot, they like liquids rather than solids. They slide over the ground on melt-water, a very thin layer of water from melted ice, and “creep” when their icy layers glide over one another because of their weight. Different parts of the same glacier slide or creep at different speeds. The center moves more rapidly than the sides; the surface moves more rapidly than the bottom, because the sides and bottom are restricted by friction. Most glaciers move several feet per year, while others “race” a few miles.

Unfortunately, glaciers are shrinking throughout the world. Melting glaciers will raise sea levels, forcing people to move from low-lying areas.

1.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph3?

A.The change of glaciers. B.The press of glaciers.

C.The accumulation of glaciers. D.The forming of glaciers.

2.Why do we say the ice is “hot”?

A.Because it keeps sliding or creeping. B.Because it is close to its melting point.

C.Because it absorbs too much sunshine. D.Because the surrounding temperature is low.

3.What is happening to glaciers?

A.They are spreading. B.They are disappearing.

C.They are rising. D.They are racing.

4.What is the best title of this passage?

A.The History of Glaciers. B.The Development of Glaciers.

C.The Secrets about Glaciers. D.The Danger Glaciers are facing.

