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We all want to be successful in our work. But what happens when our achievements come at the risk of losing important friendships? If your friends didn't receive what they were hoping for, your success could make them feel like they've been “left in the dust”. But does that mean that we shouldn't enjoy our achievements in case we displease someone or that we should feel sorry for being successful when others aren't?

Those of us who value friendships and close working relationships might feel embarrassed for achieving more than our friends. But we deserve our success, and nothing should take it away. Jealousy is only natural, but It’s often unreasonable, too. Your success is probably not connected with your friends' progress, so you shouldn't feel bad about achieving your goals. If your friends stay unfriendly, don’t be afraid to keep yourself away from them. You are not responsible for their weaknesses, and nor should they treat you sharply for furthering your work.

On the other hand, your friends may think highly of your recent success while hiding their real feelings. They could be jealous, angry or sad that they are not progressing at the same rate. So, be careful not to boast. It's a thin line between pride and self-importance, and by crossing the line, you may risk losing team support.

Next time you want to boast about your end-of-year win, or high-class new office, consider your listeners. Maybe your friends narrowly missed out on a position-raising, or experienced pay cuts which meant they didn't get what they were expecting. If your work is on a rising path, it doesn't mean that's the case for everyone.

Perhaps a step forward in your work has meant that you don't spend as much time with your friends as you used to. If you've changed a post or moved to a new office, take the time to stay in touch with old friends. Chances are that in the build-up to your success you've built strong relationships along the way. Don't let that hard work go to waste by losing touch with them.

1.From the first two paragraphs, it can be inferred that ________.

A.we should enjoy our deserving success

B.our success will certainly hurt our friends

C.friends will surely help us achieve success

D.our success is connected with our friends’ progress

2.Which of the following best explains “boast” underlined in Paragraph 3?

A.Show up. B.Stand out.

C.Talk big. D.Keep silent.

3.What should we do if our friends support our success?

A.Improve ourselves further.

B.Consider their feelings.

C.Help them make progress.

D.Make them proud of us.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.How to share our success with friends.

B.How to enjoy our success to the fullest.

C.How to keep relationships between friends.

D.How to keep friendships while enjoying achievements.

