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In Stressful Times, Make Stress Work for You

These are stressful times. Fortunately, we can actually use that stress to improve our health and well-being. Over a decade of research suggests that it’s not the type or amount of stress that determines its impact. 1..

Step 1: Acknowledge Your Stress

Labeling your stress consciously and deliberately moves neural activity from the amygdala — the center of emotion and fear — to the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive control and planning.

In other words, when we take a moment to acknowledge our stress, it moves us from operating from a fearful, reactive place to a position where we can be thoughtful and deliberate.


Step 2: Own Your Stress

The next step is to welcome, or “own,” your stress. We only stress about things that we care about. 3.. If we deny or avoid our stress, we my actually be denying or disconnecting ourselves from the things we value and treasure most.

Step 3:4.

Connecting to the core values behind your stress sets you up for the third and most essential step: using or leveraging stress to achieve your goals and connect more deeply with the things that matter most.

Ask yourself: Are your typical responses in alignment with the values behind your stress? Think about how you might change your response to this stress to achieve your goals and your purpose.

There’s so much happening right now that we can’t control. 5.. Some psychologists argue that true transformative change can occur only during stress or crises. The trick is to channel your coronavirus stress as energy to make the most of this time.

A.Use Your Stress

B.Release Your Stress

C.By owning our stress, we connect to the positive motivation or personal value behind our stress.

D.But — as many people are noticing — there are also unprecedented opportunities.

E.Instead, it’s our mind-set about stress that matters most.

F.But later, we will be able to ask ourselves how we each responded to this crisis.

G.This step is also an opportunity to understand what’s at the heart of your personal stress or anxiety.

