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How to improve your studies—scientifically

Our brain can possibly memorize 2. 5 petabytes(千兆)of information. In order to use some of that surprising capacity(能力)a little more effectively when you learn, here are some tips that are based on widely-accepted research by learning experts.


Some enjoy watching videos over reading books, others study with friends, and some like sitting in silence among a million books. Everybody is different.

Hard things first

2.  , so do the things that are difficult first. Once you are done with the hard things, you will feel better for the rest of the day, and probably more motivated to get other things done.

Space(分隔开)your studies

3. . Facts or vocabularies, for example, are best learned if you review them the first time one to two days after the study, and then again after one week, and after one month.

Instant self-test

After your study, finish up with a quick quiz. Immediate recall in the form of a test or a short summary on what you’ve just learned can increase retention(记忆力)by as much as 30%. 4., that extra effort creates deeper traces(痕迹)in your memory.

Don’t force it

Motivation is like hunger. You cannot force yourself to be motivated, just like you can’t tell someone else to be hungry. So, if you are not hungry right now, don’t worry. 5..

A.Take fun seriously

B.Find your own style

C.Take a break, and do something else

D.Good memory can grow your brain’s potential

E.Because it’s much harder for your brain to remember than to read

F.Like most people you have the strongest willpower in the morning.

G.to remember things for a longer time, repeat the material after taking several breaks

