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I glanced at the magazine covers while paying for some goods. Then I _______ Taraji P. Henson confidently on the cover of a magazine. The caption _______ All I can be is me. " Considering that I run a non-profit organization _______ positive perception(认识)of the body and encouraging people to accept their bodies, I'm _______about that it took me so long to know it.

I used to make _______ on my mom that she looked young for her age; her skin didn't have lots of _______ , and she had few age spots. But I suddenly realized with a _______ eye that day that I had been _______ forcing a young value system on my mom. So I _______ for telling her that, and she accepted with a smile.

I want my mom to grow old, feel the  ________ to age and enjoy everything during the process.  It's a privilege to grow older ________ ,we lose sight of this when we are ________ with countless perfect pictures of aging women and anti-aging fever. The phenomenon ________ a larger cultural problem that the perfected and forever ________appearance has become the norm—or ________ the popular norm.

Now I value the ________ older women have acquired through their life experiences. I believe we need to celebrate them for what they've ________in life. I want to see older women ________ as themselves with loose skin, grey hair and everything else that comes.

Wanting to be________to others isn't a bad want, but our culture's addiction to staying young has destroyed an entire age group of women. To restate the magazine's __________  ,let women actually be themselves.

1.A.noticed B.thought C.admired D.watched

2.A.wrote B.read C.showed D.concluded

3.A.learning B.promoting C.influencing D.representing

4.A.pleased B.satisfied C.worried D.embarrassed

5.A.appeals B.donations C.responses D.comments

6.A.wrinkles B.marks C.scars D.blackheads

7.A.cautious B.sharp C.fresh D.cold

8.A.deliberately B.aimlessly C.abruptly D.unintentionally

9.A.sighed B.apologized C.scared D.complained

10.A.freedom B.urge C.duty D.risk

11.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However

12.A.surrounded B.crowded C.frozen D.buried

13.A.describes B.worsens C.indicates D.handles

14.A.confident B.youthful C.fashionable D.gentle

15.A.at length B.at last C.at least D.at most

16.A.beauty B.honor C.peace D.wisdom

17.A.lost B.abandoned C.weathered D.changed

18.A.show up B.show off C.hold on D.hold back

19.A.important B.similar C.attractive D.unique

20.A.cover B.caption C.theme D.picture

