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We’ve got two dogs, Roxie and Cosita. My childhood memories are full of the cats we’ve loved, from my dad’s cat, Bandit, to our beloved white cat Cecelia, whose gray fur formed a perfect heart shape across her stomach. But since our last cat friend, Sunny the orange cat, died too young, we’ve been cat-less. The sudden loss of Sunny was hard to move on from, especially for my mom.

This year, Mom finally thought she was ready for a new kitten. It was all she wanted for her birthday on June 16. “Roxie and Cosita need a new friend!” she said. In the week leading up to her birthday, something happened. She started to hear a kitten’s meow (喵叫声) in the garage. Every time she went in and out of the garage, she could hear the soft cries but couldn’t tell the exact position of the sound. She asked my dad if he heard it too. He only shrugged (耸肩). At last, Mom’s birthday was arriving. She kept her fingers crossed, hoping for a kitten.

Over the past week, my dad had heard the kitten’s meow every time he walked past my mom’s car. One day he opened the hood (车盖) of the car, and a yellow kitten stared back at him. How in the world did she get there? And where did she come from? Dad didn’t know, but he fed the kitten every day, waiting for the day he’d give her to Mom.

The little kitten was such a perfect birthday gift, and Dad even didn’t need to leave the house to find her for my mom’s happy birthday! When it came time to name our new furry friend, we took inspiration from a song famously performed by Wilson Pickett and called her “Sally”.

1.What was difficult for Mom to forget?

A. The young orange cat’s death.

B. The moving of one of her friends.

C. The sudden death of the cat Bandit.

D. The heart shape across Cecelia’s stomach.

2.What gift did Mom hope for?

A. A new car.   B. A little cat.

C. A little dog.   D. A new cassette.

3.What can we learn about Sally?

A. Dad hid her in Mom’s car.

B. Sally was bought for Mom.

C. Sally was named after a song.

D. Mom received her ahead of the birthday.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. A new home for Sally   B. My pet friends in memory

C. My mom’s happy birthday   D. An unexpected birthday gift

