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Have you ever wondered why some days all you want to do is snack?

Under normal circumstances, we feel hungry when we have burnt up the food we have eaten as energy and our blood sugar and insulin (胰岛素)levels begin to drop. Ghrelin, a hormone connected to appetite, then communicates this to the brain, which is how we feel the need to eat. But some sorts of things can influence this process.

According to a 2011 study by researchers at Columbia University in the US, those who are lack of sleep eat almost 300 calories a day more than those who get enough sleep. This is because levels of the hormone ghrelin, which tells the brain we need to eat, increase when we don’t get enough sleep.The Columbia researchers noted that the women who didn’t get enough sleep took in more fat rising by around 30g on sleep-lack days-four times as much as the average increase for men.

The bright blue light emitted by devices such as smartphones and tablets may give an unwelcome encouragement to your appetite. Research this year found that your appetite continued to increase when you are exposed to the light. It also changed people’s metabolism(新陈代谢), as blood tests showed that the blue-light subjects had higher insulin and glucose levels. One possible explanation is that bright blue light at night confuses our body clock, which has a role in controlling when we feel the need to eat.

1.What really causes people to feel hungry?

A.Our brain. B.A hormone. C.Our appetite. D.Blood sugar.

2.Which of the following is true?

A.Women take in fat easily.

B.Lack of sleep may lead to hunger.

C.The body clock does harm to hunger.

D.Blue-light subjects control appetite.

3.What does the underlined word “emitted” mean in Paragraph 4?

A.Broken out. B.Picked up. C.Taken place. D.Given off.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To analyse a food study.

B.To report the situation of health.

C.To tell the factors influencing hunger.

D.To introduce the importance of snack.

