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A Real Turnaround

My writing career began ten years ago with my articles published locally and nationally. As a_______writer, I was happy to be on my way, writing and learning as much as I could. And readers told me they were ______by my articles.

However, something______ happened. A series of events had me______myself and my abilities, ruining my______. My writing life______, and I didn’t write for two years. I lost my_______for writing and forgot the joy the writing gave me and others.

Slowly I learned I had to be in control of my own happiness if I was to feel ______. I started walking, establishing a routine(固定了线路). Walking______my head, allowed me time to think, gave me confidence and______, which made me feel energetic and healthy.

I started writing again, and______how much happiness it gave me. I had______a new job, and was determined to keep up my walking routine. It was difficult to______writing and my family as well as my job. The solution? I______the alarm just a bit earlier and either wrote on alternate mornings when I wasn’t walking, or I would try to spare some time to______after I walked outside.

Through all this, I learned that happiness does not______a lot of hard work, but it needs to be created and______by me. I again have readers telling me the______my writing has had on them. Even some are able to______their own writing because of my inspirational articles. It was up to me to make it ______-my own happiness.

1.A.lazy B.rich C.beginning D.amazing

2.A.inspired B.caught C.interrupted D.struck

3.A.good B.terrible C.interesting D.exciting

4.A.questioning B.helping C.improving D.teaching

5.A.wealth B.marriage C.happiness D.fame

6.A.continued B.began C.lost D.stopped

7.A.pen B.income C.passion D.ability

8.A.busier B.better C.luckier D.smarter

9.A.hit B.washed C.cleared D.built

10.A.food B.patience C.water D.courage

11.A.rediscovered B.repeated C.refreshed D.returned

12.A.started B.lost C.refused D.finished

13.A.solve B.choose C.describe D.balance

14.A.put B.set C.pull D.open

15.A.walk B.jog C.write D.think

16.A.take B.spend C.like D.make

17.A.drew B.offered C.controlled D.checked

18.A.article B.story C.review D.effect

19.A.put down B.take up C.come out D.give up

20.A.happen B.gain C.disappear D.lose

