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Ways to Conquer Fear

Life can be scary. Sometimes you’ll face situations that put you in a position where you feel unprepared.1. If you’re often filled with fear, there are a few things you can do to lessen those feelings. Here are four tips for conquering your fear.

1. Take a deep breath

Breathing exercises will help lower your heart rate and calm your nerves.2. In this way, you’ll be able to calm down and focus.

2. Face your fear

One way to get over a situation that makes you fearful is to face your fear head on. For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, accept opportunities to speak in front of people.3.

3. Pay attention to negative thoughts

Your thoughts have a great influence on how you feel. When you focus on how afraid you are, the fear will become worse. Continuing to feed negative thoughts will just make you feel bad and anxious.4. Take control of your anxious thoughts and replace them with self-affirming ones.

4. search for a partner

5. Having a support system will make it easier for you to deal with fear. Studies have shown that a support network aids in emotional well-being.

A.Don’t let your fear rule you.

B.Not knowing what to expect can result in feelings of fear and anxiety.

C.Seek a friend to team up with you to tackle (处理) your fears.

D.Making friends is not very difficult for us.

E.It is time you should do something to get rid of your fear.

F.So when you’re struck with panic, breathe deeply.

G.Start with a small group and then work your way to a larger audience.

