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Although Macao is small, it has all its vital organs. When you come to this unique town, there are experiences you can't miss.

Macao Tower

The Macao Tower, 338 meters tall, is the world’s 10th highest tower, with a variety of activities, such as eating and entertainment. One of the activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it a Guinness World Record as the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. Raise your arms and off you go!

Macau Maritime Museum

Occupying an area of 800 square meters, the Macau Maritime Museum was built on the site where the first group of Portuguese explorers landed on Macau in 1553. Enlarged in 1990, the museum follows the typical museum layouts of a European style. The exhibits explore major themes in the history of the maritime industry in Macau and show traditions, fishing techniques and navigation equipment of the fishermen in Macau.

Ruins of St. Paul

The Ruins of St. Paul is the signature landmark of Macao. The ruins consist of the St. Paul's College and the Church of St. Paul, built in 1583. However, after three intense fires in 1595, 1601 and 1835, the church was seriously damaged. Surprisingly, after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge facade (正面)and the front stairway remain unburned.

Macao Grand Prix

The Macao Grand Prix is a major worldwide car-racing event held annually, attracting over 300 top drivers every year. Racing through the small streets and roads over this tiny city, the Macao Grand Prix circuit is the only street circuit racing in the world for car and motorcycle events. Thus, it is also well-known as one of the world's most demanding circuits.

1.As a bungee enthusiast, Brian will most likely visit   .

A.the Macao Grand Prix B.the Macau Maritime Museum

C.the Ruins of St. Paul D.the Macao Tower

2.What will you do in the Macau Maritime Museum?

A.Enjoy amazing egg tarts. B.Learn about the sea history of Macau.

C.Take a boat to the sea. D.Listen to tours led by local fishermen.

3.What is special about Macao Grand Prix?

A.It is held annually. B.It attracts many drivers.

C.It features street racing. D.It offers relics views.

