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University can be the most sociable time of your life. For most students, social media is the glue that holds packed social diaries together. Facebook will let you know if a game is cancelled, Twitter can promote your DJ set in 140 characters, and your Instagram account will remind you when there are new photos.

These tools have made the world increasingly connected, and most students wouldn’t consider shunning them at such a sociable stage of their lives. But social media is by no means a requirement at university, and many do without.

“I’m a private person and don’t feel the need to share everything with everybody I know,” says Caty Forster, 20, a student at the University of Manchester, who has never used Facebook or Twitter. Despite social media’s benefits, Forster is largely indifferent. Bethany Elgood, 25, stopped using Facebook after she discovered she had developed a bit of an anxiety towards the social media platforms that contain lots of personal details.”

I quit Facebook when I was 13. I left because, not only was I bored of passively involved in its Newsfeed, I was also experiencing anxiety. To me, Facebook meant clicking and nosing around people’s lives.

People would ask, “How do you keep in touch with people?” and “Won’t you miss out anything important?” I was in agreement with Forster, who says, “I never feel like I’m missing out too much. I don’t feel like I’d have anything valuable to share or gain from it.”

Adrienne Jolly, a careers advisor at UEA, says, “It’s hard to prove reliable statistics on social media. But it’s generally accepted that social media networks are pretty influential in this process—for better or worse.”

You might decide quitting social media isn’t practical in the long run. However, if its ugly side is bringing you down, why not consider taking leave? By doing so, I gained confidence and a strong connection with reality.

1.The author listed three kinds of social media to prove they _______.

A. are important for him and others like Caty

B. have the power to make students learn more

C. are frequently used by many university students

D. should be used by all of the students in universities

2.The underlined word“shunning”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “___________”

A. avoiding   B. choosing

C. using   D. adding

3.Why doesn’t Bethany use social media?

A. She hates to share everything with others.

B. She hopes her personal information is safe.

C. She buries herself in the busy studies every day.

D. She doesn’t care what has happened to her friends.

4.What is the attitude of Adrienne Jolly to using social media online?

A. She is completely against them.   B. She herself refuses to use them.

C. She is completely for them.   D. She is objective.

