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Most of the females think that they understand their male mate very well when in fact it is not. He is just speaking with you and you are happy. Try to look behind his words and sneak into his mind. What would you find out if he is talking loving words in a boring tone? What if you are hugging him and he wants to sound to be uninterested. These are alarming situations and going to be serious if you do not take it into account. Men are more experienced to hide what they have in their minds.     It_is_very_difficult_to_interpret_male_body_language_sometimes.

Male use their body language to express what they feel. They do not want to express in words. They just indicate and deliver signals to let you know whether they are interested, annoyed, bored,excited, happy or sad. When you are worried what to do when accepting a proposal from a man,just start observing his body language. This   way would tell you a lot about his feelings and behavior. Men usually have reserved nature and do not want to expose their feelings. Male body would attract you as a man tends to face confrontation on the front end. Keep it remember that men usually upset more than women at last, so do not interpret it for something else.

Here we develop some tips for interested women to interpret or decode male body language. These tips are surely going to help you find the perfect match for you by understanding the male body language. Attention:A male tends to look leading male; Confident body language; Active listening; Eye Catching and Entering the personal bubble.

1. What does the underlined sentence in the 1st paragraph mean in fact?

A. Men are often hiding their real feelings in their minds.

B. Men are good at hiding their real feelings but showing the opposite.

C. Male body language contains many differences in meaning.

D. No one can understand the male body language.

2. When a man wants to express his real feelings,how does he do according to this passage?

A. He can use written language indirectly to express them.

B. He can directly speak out loudly.

C. He can take different steps depending on the facts.

D. He can express his feelings by body language.

3. What does the underlined word in the 2nd paragraph mean?

A. Difficulty.    B. Frustration.

C. Coldness.     D. Association.

