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In Michael Morpurgo’s novel War Horse, the horse is not only the principal character, he is the teller of his own story.

Set in England and France 100 years ago War Horse tells the story of Joey, a handsome young horse who strikes up a close relationship with Albert, the teenage son of Joey’s owner. But war breaks out and they are separated and plunged into the horrors of the war in France. Both survive and are finally reunited after a remarkable series of events seen through the eyes of the splendid war horse, Joey.

The following cutting comes from near the beginning of the book.

It was some months later, on the way back from cutting the grass in Great Field that Albert first talked to us about the war. His whistling stopped in mid-tune. “Mother says there’s likely to be a war,” he said softly. “I don’t know what it is about—something about some old duke(公爵) that’s been shot at somewhere. Can’t think why that should matter to anyone, but she says we will be in it all the same. But it will not affect us, not down here. We will go on just the same. At fifteen I am too young to go, anyway—well, that’s what she said. But I tell you, Joey, if there is a war I’d want to go. I think I’d make a good soldier, don’t you? Look fine in a uniform, wouldn’t I? And I have always wanted to march to the beat of a band. Can you imagine that, Joey? Come to that, you’d make a good war horse yourself, wouldn’t you. If you ride as well as you pull, and I know you will. God help the Germans if they ever have to fight the two of us.”

One hot summer evening, after a long and dusty day in the fields, I was having my dinner, with Albert still rubbing me down with straw and talking on about the plenty of good straw they’d have for the winter months when I heard his father’s heavy steps coming across the yard towards us. “Mother,” he shouted. “Mother, come out, Mother. It is war, Mother. I have just heard it in the village. Postman came in this afternoon with news.”

1.Who is the teller of the cutting?

A. Michael Morpurgo.   B. Joey.

C. Albert.   D. Albert’s mother.

2.Which of the following is the right order?

a. The war broke out.

b. Alert and Joey were reunited after their survivals of the war.

c. The old duke had been shot dead.

d. Alert and Joey were plunged into the war and were separated.

A. c. a. d. b   B. d. a. b. c

C. d. c. a. d   D. c. d. a. b

3.As for the coming war, Mother said that ________.

A. their village would get involved very soon

B. Albert was not grown up enough to join the army

C. the old duke’s death maybe meant nothing to them

D. both Albert and Joey could be tough fighters

4.Which of the following best describes Albert according to the cutting from War Horse?

A. Imaginative but frightened.   B. Quiet but thoughtful.

C. Determined but cold.   D. Childish but brave.

