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“Hot potato” is a children’s game similar to musical chairs (抢座位游戏), in which participants sit in a circle and pass a potato or any other object to others around the circle as quickly as possible.1. This game is popular for entertaining large groups of kids at parties, school, or other events that include children.

“Hot potato” was originally played. with a real potato.2. No single version is the right way to play. Changes can be made to suit nearly any theme and any situation.

The game of “hot potato” is easy to play with large groups of kids outdoors.

3. It’s common for physical education teachers to play this game with smaller children, using a ball in order to help children improve their catching skills.

4. Variations, also called passing the potato or passing the pumpkin (南瓜), are great school party ideas. You can easily create a themed version of the game for Halloween. Have children sit in a circle indoors and hand one child a small pumpkin. The teacher can play Halloween music, but he or she should not look at the circle of kids.

You can create similar versions for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving Day, or a birthday party.5. It is highly suggested that all players receive a small prize for playing, such as a piece of candy, and the winner can be provided with a slightly larger prize.

A. Above all, laughter is the goal.

B. Players can even stand up if space permits.

C. Hot potato isn’t limited to outdoors by any means.

D. In fact, hot potato can be adapted to any children’s party.

E. But today there are many other versions of hot potato.

F. Of course, that person singing or calling should not watch the game.

G. The aim of the game is not to be the one holding the potato when music stops.

