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In 1993, Greg Mortenson travelled to northern Pakistan to climb K2, the world’s second highest mountain. Instead of reaching the top, he became so ____ that he had to come down. Some porters took him home to Korphe, their village, and ____ him.

While he was recovering, Greg ____ the village children writing their lessons outside in the dirt. The village had no ____ and couldn’t pay $l a day for a teacher. Greg decided to pay the village back by raising money to build a school and ____ a teacher.

Back home in Montana, Greg wrote many ____ to celebrities(名人)and business people. ____, he received just one reply and one check for $100. Then he wrote 16 grant proposals(补助金申请)— all were ____. Finally he started ____ his things, but only raised $2,000.

Then an elementary school class in Wisconsin ____ a project called Pennies for Pakistan. They ____ $623 in pennies to CAI — Central Asia Institute, founded by Greg. After that, adults began to take a(n) ____ in his project. ____, Greg raised $12,000 and in 1996, CAI ____ its first project — the school in Korphe.

Over two decades, CAI’s ____ have expanded into other areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan, many of them too dangerous or remote for other organizations to reach. CAI has ____ the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Hundreds of new requests for ____ still cross the organization’s desks every day. It looks forward to ____ these future projects, because Greg and CAI truly ____ the surest path to peace is through ____. With education they can change the world, one child at a time.

1.A. sleepy B. thirsty C. hungry D. weak

2.A. took care of B. paid attention to C. made use of D. lost contact with

3.A. imagined B. noticed C. stopped D. insisted

4.A. school B. bridge C. road D. hospital

5.A. become B. help C. hire D. meet

6.A. poems B. letters C. checks D. books

7.A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Moreover

8.A. turned down B. broken down C. settled down D. cut down

9.A. fixing B. selling C. cleaning D. packing

10.A. rejected B. reported C. proved D. undertook

11.A. lent B. owed C. donated D. paid

12.A. idea B. interest C. course D. chance

13.A. Eventually B. Suddenly C. Strangely D. Casually

14.A. advertised B. revised C. predicted D. completed

15.A. reputations B. trades C. projects D. trips

16.A. cost B. changed C. saved D. controlled

17.A. help B. permission C. interviews D. jobs

18.A. seeking for B. taking away C. dealing with D. pointing out

19.A. announce B. warn C. suggest D. believe

20.A. money B. patience C. music D. education

